Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

new rumor - it will be 'born' IPHONE 5

China News Business Times Reporters Zheng Shufang and Liu Jiaxi reportthat industry scuttlebutt has it that the iPhone 5 has entered its trial production stage with Apple’s subcontractor Hon Hai Electronics, will have a, A5 dual-core processor, a metal chassis to improve antenna sensitivity, a scratch-resistant 4-inch capacitive touchscreen, and a 50 millon pixel camera, and will be equipped with “wave and pay” Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, and slated for release in 3Q ’11, although main Apple contract manufacturers don’t comment on rumors if they want to remain in Apple’s good graces.
The China Times columnists also report that Hon Hai plans to build a new plant at Sao Paulo, Brazil, specifically to manufacture Apple OEM products, but that’s not projected to begin production until 2013.
Meanwhile, it would seem that whatever feature set the iPhone 5 emerges with has been set, so here’s a rundown of what we may or may not see come the unveiling based on rumors out there:
Faster Processor and More RAM
it’s virtually certain that iPhone 5 will be powered by the same A5 dual core processor that Apple introduced in the iPad 2. Much less likely I think are suggestions that Apple might double the iPhone 5′s RAM capacity from the 512 MB in the current iPhone to two gigabytes of RAM. Apple has only taken the iPad to up to 512 MB, and there seems little reason to believe that they’ll go with more in the iPhone 5.
Bigger Display
There is a strong likelihood that the iPhone 5 will have a larger display, most likely somewhere measuring four inches diagonal. I’ll be surprised if this doesn’t materialize; the larger screen will be touted heavily my Apple’s marketing and promotion arms.
Higher-resolution Display
It is far less less likely that the iPhone 5 will have greater resolution than the current, excellent Retina display in the iPhone 4.
Case Design
Most prognosticators expect the iPhone 5 to look a lot like the iPhone 4 although as noted, many expect a larger display and possibly a brushed aluminum back panel replacing the current glass back. A virtually sure thing is that a white iPhone will finally be offered with version 5. However, rumors that the iPhone 5 could have a physical keyboard can be safely considered someone’s wishful thinking.
Carbon Fiber Case
Carbon fiber composites are the structural engineering material of the future, and thanks to recent advances in production efficiency, they’re going to be more and more common in mainstream as well as high-end products like the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s fuselage and wings, and the new McLaren MP4-12C, exoticar, which features a one-piece molded carbon fiber composite chassis tub. They will be especially well-suited to making computer and igadget enclosures, being extremely lightweight, amazingly strong, non-conductive, and not blocking RF signals. I don’t think we’ll see a carbon fiber iPhone 5, however.
Antenna Moved Inside
After the press feeding fender frenzy over the antenna in the iPhone for losing gain if touched by the hand holding the iPhone, it’s quite probable that Apple will move the antenna back inside in a more conventional configuration, most likely similar to the way the antenna is configured in the iPad.
64 GB Storage / The Cloud
There’s a possibility that Apple could offer 64 GB capacity as an option with the iPhone 5. At the other end of the spectrum, some have suggested that Apple may also offer a bare-bones version of the iPhone 5 at a lower price, possibly with cloud data storage and only enough internal RAM to run the machine and perhaps serve as a temporary buffer. Something is brewing with Apple building a major data center in Tennessee, that could mean a substantially greater emphasis on the cloud for Apple devices.
Improved Battery Life
An improvement in battery life is possible, although don’t expect anything dramatic.
Better Camera
iPhone 4 has a 5MPx camera. Rumor has it that iPhone 5 will get an 8 MPx camera, but the China Times report says they’re sticking with 5 5MPx, and given that the cameras in the iPad 2 are described by most reviewers as mediocre at best. Apple hasn’t chosen to disclose the iPad camera’s megapixel rating, but it seems highly improbable that it’s any more than 5MPx. I’m not anticipating any change in the camera spec from the iPhone 4.
Home Button to Be Replaced/Moved
A fairly persistent rumor has been that the Home button will disappear, and the iPhone 5 getting either touch sensitive controls or the button moved to one of the phone’s edges. If there’s to be a bigger screen, things will have to be reorganized. However, my guess is that the iPhone 5 wil still have a Home button somewhere.
A CDMA Model iPhone 5
Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA), is a digital cellular technology that uses spread-spectrum techniques and competes with the GSM celular technology that the iPhone currently supports.
Another rumor that’s been making the rounds, actually for for several years, now is that Apple will launch a dual-mode iPhone that works on both GSM and CDMA networks, serving AT&T and Verizon customers simultaneously.
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology
There have been rumors going both ways on this one, and I’ve already blogged here on the topic a couple of times. I think it’s inevitable in the long run that Apple will include “wave and pay” NFC on the iPhone, but whether it will be ready for the iPhone 5 is another matter. I’m completely on the fence on this one having heard compelling arguments from both camps. The China Times report says it’s a go.
HDMI Output
The iPad to has enhanced HDMI output capability, and it seems more probable than not that the iPhone 5 could have HDMI output added using the same optional connector as the iPad 2.
Enhanced Voice Recognition
Another rumor is that with IOS 5, expected to make its debut along with the iPhone 5, the iPhone will get enhanced voice recognition capabilities and more voice commands. I don’t have a strong conviction either way on this feature’s likelihood this time around.
Release Not Coming Until November
The reasoning on this one is that due to February’s Verizon iPhone 4 release, Apple will push the iPhone five’s debut back to late summer or even November. I think November is highly doubtful, and am still anticipating a late spring or early summer release.
There are probably a few more, but that should cover most of the iPhone 5 rumored feature bases. Remember, the opinions expressed are speculation, logical deduction, semi-educated guesswork, plus rumors and leaks from the far East, which have a mixed record for accuracy. Unless someone leaves a prototype iPhone 5 in a bar, as happened last year with the iPhone 4, we’ll all have to wait for the announcement date to know for sure.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

this is the part of dance -


Breaking was created in the Bronx, New York during the early 1970s. It was Afrika Bambaataa who classified breaking as one of the five pillars of hip-hop culture along with MCing DJing,graffiti writing, and knowledge. While African Americans are responsible for creating breaking it was the Latinos (specifically Puerto Ricans) that kept the momentum of breaking alive when it was considered "played out" in the late '70s.Breaking includes four foundational dances: toprock, footwork oriented steps performed while standing up; downrock, footwork performed on the floor using the hands to support your weight;freezes, stylish poses done on your hands; and power moves, difficult and impressive acrobatic moves. Transitions between toprock and downrock are called "drops." In breaking, a variation to the traditional cipher is the Apache Line. A cipher is a circular shaped dance space formed by spectators that breakers use to perform in Ciphers work well for one-on-one (break-boy) battles; however, Apache Lines are more appropriate when the battle is betweencrews—groups of street dancers. In contrast to the circular shape of a cipher, competing crews can face each other in this line formation, challenge each other, and execute their burns(a move intended to embarrass the opponent, i.e. crotch grabbing, during a battle). In 1981, the Lincoln Center in New York City hosted a breaking battle between the Rock Steady Crew and the Dynamic Rockers. "This event, which was covered by the New York Times, the Village Voice, the Daily News, National Geographic, and local news stations helped b-boying gain the world’s attention."


Locking, originally called Campbellocking, was created in Los Angeles by Don Campbell and introduced to the country by his crew The Lockers.Other than Don Campbell, the original members of The Lockers were Fred "Mr. Penguin" Berry (Rerun on the 1970s TV sitcom What's Happening!!), Leo "Fluky Luke" Williamson, Adolpho "Shabba Doo" Quinones, Bill "Slim the Robot" Williams, Greg "Campbellock Jr" Pope, and Toni Basil who also served as the group's manager. In honor of her instrumental role in giving locking commercial exposure, Basil was honored at the 2009 World Hip Hop Dance Championships as the first female recipient of the Living Legend Award. Locking looks similar to popping and frequently gets confused with popping to a casual observer. In locking, a dancer holds their positions longer. The lock is the primary move used in locking. It is "similar to a freeze or a sudden pause." A locker's dancing is characterized by consistently locking in place and after a quick freeze moving again.It is incorrect to call locking "pop-locking". Locking and popping are two distinct funk styles with their own histories, their own set of dance moves, and their own competition categories. Locking is more playful and character driven whereas popping is more illusory.Locking has specific dance moves that identify it from popping and other funk styles. These moves include "the lock, points, skeeter [rabbits], scooby doos, stop 'n go, which-away, and the fancies." A dancer can do one or the other but not both locking and popping at the same time. It was only after seeing The Lockers perform on TV that a young Sam Solomon was inspired to create popping and electric boogaloo.



Popping—as an umbrella term—also includes glidingfloating, and sliding which are lower body dances done with the legs and feet. When done correctly a dancer looks like they are gliding across the floor as if on ice. Opposite from gliding is tutting which is an upper body dance that uses the arms, hands, and wrists to form right angles and make geometric box-like shapes. Sometimes the arms are not used at all and tutting is only done with the wrists, hands, and fingers. In both variations, the movements are intricate and always use 90° angles. When done correctly tutting looks like the characters on the art of ancient Egypt hence the name—a reference to King Tut.Popping was created by Sam Solomon in Fresno, California and performed by his crew the Electric Boogaloos.It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body, referred to as a pop or a hit. Each hit should be synchronized to the rhythm and beats of the music. Popping is also used as an umbrella term to refer to a wide range of other closely related illusionary dance styles such asstrobingliquidanimation, and waving that are often integrated with standard popping to create a more varied performance. In all of these sub-genres it appears to the spectator that the body is popping hence the name. The difference between each sub-genre is how exaggerated the popping is. In liquid the body movements look like water. The popping is so smooth that the movements do not look like popping at all; they look fluid. The opposite of this is strobing (also called ticking) in which the movements are static, sudden, and jerky
While popping as an umbrella term is popularly used by hip-hop dancers and in competitive hip-hop dancing, Popin' Pete of the Electric Boogaloos disagrees with the use of the word "popping" in this way. He states "There are people who wave and there are people who tut. They’re not popping. I say this to give the people who created other styles their just dues and their props."Many of these related styles (animation, liquid, tutting, etc.) can not be traced to a specific person or group. The Electric Boogaloos themselves acknowledge this (see quote box). Other styles may have influences earlier than hip-hop. Earl "Snake Hips" Tucker was a professional dancer in the 1920s who appeared in the film Symphony in Black and performed at the Cotton Club in Harlem Because hip-hop did not exist in the '20s his style was considered jazz but his "slithering, writhing" movement foreshadowed modern waving and sliding.

hiphop dancer ? yes , JABBAWOCKEEZ

If you've been watching MTV, you have probably seen an episode or two of Randy Jackson's America's Best Dance Crew. The season started off with 12 teams competing to be voted as the best dancing group in America as voted by the viewers. The show has three judges- Shane Sparks (choreographer), Lil' Mama (rapper) and JC Chasez (N'Sync member)- who offer advice and criticism. 

Although all 12 crews have been scraping and spinning their way to the top of America's Best Dance Crew, one team has been mesmerizing dance and non-dance fans all over the world: The Jabbawockeez.

They derive their name from a character created in a poem by Alice in Wonderland writer Lewis Carroll, the Jabberwocky. What has set them apart from the other teams is that they all wear white masks throughout their performances. The Jabbawockeez' signature style involves pop-locking, acrobatics and just amazing time-stopping moves with freezes at unexpected times. As each episode nears to the finale, the Jabbawockeez always appear unscathed yet they compete and throw innovative moves, meeting every challenge the competition has to offer. Yet their successful performances are only half of the story.

Their competing six Jabbawockeez team on America's Best Dance Crew are some of the total team. There are actually 11 listed on their website. Sadly, one of the Jabbawockeez- Gary Kendell- passed away. The Jabbawockeez also represent several ethnic backgrounds to include black, white, Asian and Hispanic heritages, yet they all maintain the same skill level and appear to be interchangeable. The white masks seem to represent that the only culture they truly represent is the Jabbawockee culture.

you didnt know them ? i'll give you this link 
you know why i love this group ? their do everything so neat . clear . nice .

internet untuk orang buta

Orang yang mengalami kebutaan pada matanya, ketika akan menggunakan computer pada umumnya dibantu dengan software screen-reader. Namun untuk membeli software screen-reader biayanya cukup mahal, sekitar lebih dari USD 1.000, sehingga terkadang mereka tidak bisa duduk seperti orang biasa di perpustakaan atau di tempat tempat yang terhubung dengan layanan internet. Kini, sebuah program dengan dasar Web terbaru akan membantu para orang buta untuk mengubah situasi tersebut.
Program yang ada di web tersebut bernama WebAnywhere. WebAnywhere dikembangkan oleh mahasiswa lulusan ilmu computer dari University of Washington, Jeffrey Bigham. Tidak seperti software lain yang harus diinstal di PC, WebAnywhere adalah sebuah aplikasi Internet yang dapat membuat Web dapat diakses oleh orang yang buta.
Bigham berharap bahwa orang yang buta akan dapat mengecek waktu keberangkatan pesawat di computer Airport, merencanakan naik bis dengan rute yang diinginkan melalui computer di perpusatakaan, atau mengetik email dengan cepat lewat Internet. Untuk mendapatkan WebAnywhere, orang yang buta harus mengaturnya untuk online, yang mugkin akan bertabrakan dengan computer yang tidak siap untuk memberikan feedback verbal kembali. Namun, Bigham menemukan dalam penelitiannya, bahwa WebAnywhere, yang khusus digunakan oleh orang buta tersebut, akan tahu trik keyboard dan kapan harus bertanya untuk bantuan.
Sekali WebAnywhere online lewat Internet, orang yang buta dapat surfing menggunakan browser WebAnywhere, yang dapat dihubungkan ke halaman web dan kemudian menyuarakan isi artikel dalam halaman tersebut dengan keras, selama computer memiliki speaker atau headphone. Program WebAnywhere juga dapat melompati bagian judul, tab, chart atau membaca halaman dari atas hingga ke bawah.
Lindsay Yazzolino, mahasiswi buta berusia 19 tahun dari Universitas Brown, yang bekerja part time di University of Washington, mengungkapkan bahwa WebAnywhere merupakan improvisasi besar dari total kekurangan akses public selama ini. Yazzolino, sangat senang dengan fitur yang dimiliki WebAnywhere dan beberapa keystroke navigasi halaman di dalamnya, terutama karena program WebAnywhere tersebut gratis digunakan.
Bigham mengharapkan orang lain dapat membuat improvisasi dengan program WebAnywhere, dengan membuatnya sebagai open source yang akan mengundang orang-orang yang suka bermain-main dengan kode dan terbuka untuk programmer dari mana saja. Richard Ladner, professor di fakultas ilmu computer University of Washington, menginginkan ada search engine komersial yang mau mengadopsi modul WebAnywhere, dan suatu saat nanti Ladner berharap, orang buta juga dapat mendisain halaman web mereka sendiri.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

mandy moore - only hope

There's a song that's inside of my soul. 
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again 
I'm awake in the infinite cold. 
But you sing to me over and over and over again. 

So, I lay my head back down. 
And I lift my hands and pray 
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours 
I know now you're my only hope. 

Sing to me the song of the stars. 
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again. 
When it feels like my dreams are so far 
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again. 

So I lay my head back down. 
And I lift my hands and pray 
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours 
I know now, you're my only hope. 

I give you my destiny. 
I'm giving you all of me. 
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am 
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back. 

So I lay my head back down. 
And I lift my hands and pray 
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours 
I pray, to be only yours 
I know now you're my only hope. 

hmmmmm, hmmmmm, oooooh


Bayi dan Nenek Selamat dari Tsunami Jepang

Namun tentara itu dikejutkan dengan suara bayi menangis. Di bawah pecahan kayu, kaca dan batu, bayi mungil berusia 4 bulan berpakaian merah muda terlihat bergerak. Padahal ketika tsunami menghantam pada tanggal 11 Maret, si jabang bayi terpisah dari pelukan orang tuanya. Kedua orang tuanya juga selamat, bersembunyi di puing-puing rumah. Mereka berpikir putrinya telah mati.TEMPO InteraktifTokyo - Keajaiban selalu muncul dalam musibah besar. Tak terkecuali gempa dan Tsunami di Jepang Jumat lalu. Dua hari setelah bencana hebat itu, Angkatan Bela Diri Jepang berusaha membuka jalan dengan menyingkirkan puing-puing di Kota Ishinomaki. Mereka juga mengangkat mayat-mayat korban tsunami.

Bagaimana bayi tidak tenggelam masih menjadi misteri. Bahkan, anak ini tidak mengalami cedera sama sekali. Tak lama setelah anak itu diselamatkan, tentara sgera mempertemukan dengan ayahnya.
Penemuan bayi ini menambah semangat untuk terus melakukan pencarian korban di lumpur dan reruntuhan. Menurut Time, seorang pejabat pertahanan sipil mengatakan kepada kru berita lokal, "penemuan bayi itu telah memasukkan energi baru ke dalam pencarian kami. Melihat dan menggali dengan ketekunan bahkan lebih setelah ini."
Keesokan harinya, pada tanggal 15, penyelamat kembali menemukan seorang nenek berusia 70 tahun selamat di rumahnya yang telah hancur. Dia kemudian dirawat karena hipotermia di sebuah rumah sakit terdekat.